At night the streets are peaceful, the air fresh, and every now and then a car will drive past while I'm trying to take long exposures without interruption. What interests me most about night photography is capturing our everyday spaces in a new light. I like the cinematic feel that is created, as if they are spaces where the action is about to start.
This selection of photographs have been captured in Canberra and Queanbeyan.

HDR photograph created in Lightroom, Location: Queabeyan. Opposite the river and next to the church. 2021

No Parking in Church Lane, Queanbeyan, NSW, 2021

When I was a child this was my local corner shop. Now it is someone's home. Stornaway Road, Queanbeyan, 2021

From 1843, QBN's History, 39 Rutledge St, Queanbeyan, 2021

Another corner shop from my childhood that is no longer. Queanbeyan, 2021

Enter The Golden Age, Queanbeyan, 2021

The Old Kent, Queanbeyan, 2021

Watching the river, Queanbeyan, 2021

Queanbeyan caravan, 2021

Kingston, 2021