This was a collaborative project between Di Broomhall and myself. We are both studio artists at M16 Artspace, where there is now a wall in the foyer for studio artists to exhibit their work for three month periods. We were given the season of Spring in 2022. I chose to make two three-dimensional paintings. The first artwork I made was in response to the bricks in the building that are a prominent feature in the foyer space. I created bricks out of plywood and painted them in primary colours along with dark blue and white. The surfaces of the bricks are important and the paints I used varied from high gloss to soft deep mattes and gritty to completely smooth textures. The second artwork I started creating many years ago out of coloured toy dominos. I had it hanging on the back of my studio door and once I completed the bricks artwork I had the idea of painting the dominos in the same colours and forming a shape out of them.
abstract art on a white wall

Di Broomhall's four framed paintings, and my two three-dimensional paintings, M16 Artspace Foyer Gallery

a three dimensional sculpture

Fiona Little, A merry musical brick-a-lick, 2022, mixed media, dimensions variable

Background - Di Broomhall's paintings

five brick shaped colourful blocks hung on a white wall in a staircase formation

Fiona Little, The weight of air in blue, orange, yellow and white, 2022, mixed media, dimensions variable

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